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Traveling can be exhausting as is. From figuring out transport, to navigating foreign territory, to dealing with hangry co-travelers, it can sometimes feel like you need a vacation from your vacation. Things get a whole lot messier, however, if you just so happen to start your period when you’re away. Cramps surely have a way of dampening the mood, and it isn’t easy to switch out your tampon or pad when you’re on an 8-hour flight, or a ferry between islands.

So how do you manage your period when going on a trip? We’ve gathered 9 hacks to keep you afloat as you survive your menstrual cycle while traveling abroad.

Get an aisle seat

If you know your period is coming and you’ve got a flight to catch, snagging an aisle seat can be your best bet. Window (or the forsaken middle seat) can make things tricky when you need to go to the restroom, while an aisle seat is your most accessible route to taking care of any menstrual needs.

Invest in period swimwear

Just as period panties are becoming all the rave, so are period bikinis! If you’re traveling somewhere where you’re swimming in pools or diving in the ocean, a heavy flow doesn’t have to stop you from joining in on the fun. There are plenty of period swimsuits that you can wear relative to how heavy your flow is. Pair them with a tampon for extra security.

Come prepared

When it comes to your period, you can never be too prepared. While it only makes sense to pack your pantyliners or period pants, you also want to make sure you bring along disposable heat packs or your preferred period pain killer. If you suffer from painful periods, it can be difficult to find those relief necessities if you’re out of the country or anywhere remote.

Keep your clothing breathable

No one says you have to sacrifice looking cute for being comfy! From skorts to sundresses, there are a ton of ways to give yourself some breathability while still serving looks abroad. And if you’re worried about leaking, consider keeping your clothing options dark—maroon, navy, or classic black.

Bring along a fan

Dealing with period cramps on a hot day is only second to hell. For the girlies who deal with hot flashes and overheating during their period, make sure you have a portable fan on you at all times. This summer heat is already historic, and period hot sweats will only make it more intense. Similarly, staying hydrated will not only keep you cool during rising temperatures, but can also aid in maintaining balance over your hormones and minimizing bloating.

Pack extras

A big tote will serve as your best friend when traveling abroad on your cycle. Stuff in various menstrual hygiene products, snacks, and an emergency change of clothes in case you bleed through.

Sleep on a towel

If you’re staying at a hotel or an Airbnb, consider laying a towel beneath you before you go to sleep, just in case any leaks happen during the night. And if you do happen to stain sheets—don’t beat yourself up about it! It’s an incredibly common occurrence and housekeeping services will consider it a standard procedure.

Avoid certain foods

While the best part about traveling somewhere new is tasting a new kind of cuisine, you want to be mindful about what you’re consuming during your period, as certain foods can often trigger cramps into being worse. Red meat, alcohol, and caffeine can make cramping more intense, while lean meats and fresh fruits/veggies can help support your body.

Delay your period

Iif this trip is particularly important (your honeymoon, perhaps?) there are some methods that could potentially buy you a few more days. Manipulating your birth control can delay your period, and some natural methods (like consuming gram lentils, gelatin, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or even green bean water) could potentially be effective. As with any home remedies, results may vary. 

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